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For those of yo that live in other countries

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39 Answers

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And we like it that way.

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At least not where I live... Deep South the rude ones never seem to last long...
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The French are rude.

I have lived in Texas for a couple of years, and people are more awe-struck when they hear I'm Russian.

Although I am annoyed at American ultra-nationalism
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There are people in all the world that are rude and there are those who are polite.
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It depends. Some are and some aren't. For every Andrew Zimmern, who makes me cringe whenever he tells some proud foreign person how nasty or disgusting their food is (on Bizarre Foods) there is an Anthony Bourdain who is incredibly gracious and humble and accommodating. I'm a fat guy, I explain things by way of food references. Sue me.
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Overall Americans are not rude. But every country has their bad apples.
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Not more than any other country.
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wow, are you ever wrong. That is were racism and ********** is the worst.
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Some are; some aren't.
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Not here.. Trust me.. Not here,
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Around here if you don't agree with something you keep you mouth shut or people will make your life ****. It's a stereotype that is rarely true... People may round here may not agree... But they'll still be friendly to ya. And racism ****** exists around here.. In fact I've found more ********** people and racist where I go to school.. An hour aways Out of the Deep South in a military town filled with people mostly from northern an western states.. I'm not wrong.. It's a stereotype trust me. Sure.. A few towns maybe like that but if you come to a town like mine.. None of that exists.. It's a blatant lie...
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When Carter was president, the French thought we were ugly Americans...
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Sorry, that phrase was around long before Caarter.
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I never said it wasn't.
I was talking about 1978 France. What is your point?
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From my experience, if Americans as a collective are going to do something, they are going to make sure they do a better job of it than anyone else - for better or worse. So their nice people which are most of them are really nice and their rude arrogant people are just awesomely arrogant and rude. Still its **** not to like all of them :)

americans collective job people rude arrogant people awesomely arrogant rude
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I mean we can be a bit arrogant and feel like we're better than others a times when visiting another country but on the other hand not every American is like that it's not about WHAT you are , it's WHO you are as a person and how your attitude comes off towards others
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How about this for an answer:
Nan-Nan-Na Boo-Boo..."and we like it that way"
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LOL!...Ok---you got me on that one!
But they do have monster truck competitions in some parts of Europe. And the NFL is trying to place a permanent team in London. So, American influence is spreading in Europe as European influence is spreading in America. Interesting...
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I'm American.... And I dont think we r that rude but it really depends on who u talk to lol
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Some are, some aren't...
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I would say that they are VERY rude
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Not just because i'm from the Mid-West it has been found that people from the EAST and WEST coasts are by far the the rudest comparde to the Mid-West.
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**** I live in the United States and even I KNOW they are rude.
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Not all of them, but some most certainly are
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The Americans on here are rude. When I went to the US, the best description of the people I have is "confrontational" in their opinions, and it would be easy to see how that would be taken as rude by foreigners.

(I do like how the Americans here called for "free speech!" when the Interview movie was cancelled, and yet those same people will refuse to hear any criticism about the US.)
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As an American who has traveled with Americans to other countries, I have seen some Americans who earned The Ugly American Award. Everything must be done exactly as they wish it, when they wish it without exception (and it must be understood in English).

But, it is NOT true of all Americans and it is not true only of Americans.
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Having spent the last 6 years overseas I'll let everyone in on a little secret.

What we consider rude in America isn't in many places. In fact it's rude to NOT do certain things in other countries.

A prime example is in China. In China people quite often say things like, "You are fat." or "Your breath is bad." or "Your hair/clothes/etc. are ugly.". In America this is like the kiss of death for proper form. In China this is the height of proper form. They tell you that you are fat so that you will lose weight. They tell you that you have bad breath or a bad smell or are ***** so that you will clean yourself and look respectable. They ****** that you behave badly or are ***** or unkempt because you are unaware of your faults, so the only polite thing is to make you aware. While most Americans tolerate these sorts of things up to a point and only then find a very round-about way of telling you these things. I was quite shocked the first time I heard someone in China approach a friend of mine and just say they were fat. I laughed a little because this was something that everyone saw and knew but no one said anything. While this one man cut the the chase right after he introduced himself. It was glorious.

Also, the pace in America is very frantic and highly (almost o...

Having spent the last 6 years overseas I'll let everyone in on a little secret.

What we consider rude in America isn't in many places. In fact it's rude to NOT do certain things in other countries.

A prime example is in China. In China people quite often say things like, "You are fat." or "Your breath is bad." or "Your hair/clothes/etc. are ugly.". In America this is like the kiss of death for proper form. In China this is the height of proper form. They tell you that you are fat so that you will lose weight. They tell you that you have bad breath or a bad smell or are ***** so that you will clean yourself and look respectable. They ****** that you behave badly or are ***** or unkempt because you are unaware of your faults, so the only polite thing is to make you aware. While most Americans tolerate these sorts of things up to a point and only then find a very round-about way of telling you these things. I was quite shocked the first time I heard someone in China approach a friend of mine and just say they were fat. I laughed a little because this was something that everyone saw and knew but no one said anything. While this one man cut the the chase right after he introduced himself. It was glorious.

Also, the pace in America is very frantic and highly (almost obsessively) organized, while in many other places in the world organization means they know whats happening the next day and that's it. I've seen this in many Americans who have come to several of the places I've been. They start all ready for work at the usual American frantic pace and are greeted by a litany of 'tomorrow' after 'tomorrow'. They don't understand that the rules of work that we grew up with and have incorporated into our very being simply doesn't exist in many places. Perhaps only the British, Canadian, or Australian folks can truly relate, but even they are a bit taken back by how work-obsessed most Americans are even casually.

Americans are used to a level of excellence from workers that most consider too exacting. Work gets done when it gets done and sometimes workers take a break after working only a few minutes. That's just the way it is. But in America people work until the job is done and it's done right the first time. This expectation in many other countries is almost fanciful. So often many Americans bring the expectations of excellence for other Americans to other countries and get greeted with shock and resistance against what they think is haughty behavior, but to most Americans is thought of as simply normal.

Finally, quite often the young and privileged are the ones that do most of the traveling around the world. Most Americans do not regularly travel to different countries. It has been my experience that these 18-24 year old kids often go to different countries just to party and get drunk. Traveling abroad is almost a waste on them because they could do that at home and save their parents about 20 grand. Also, there are quite a few folks out there who claim American citizenship but aren't American. They do this because of working abroad and certain benefits. I've met quite a few 'Americans' who were anything but.
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yes we're rude and we are **** proud of it
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******* lot of nerve ya got there saying we're the same... wheres my monster truck , gun , hot dogs and flag ??? Someone's bout to get Rude White and Blued
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Americans who travel overseas have a bit of a reputation of being a bit rude and overbearing and I have seen that occasionally.
But when in their own country, I have found Americans to be some of the most polite, hospitable and generous people I've met.
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Maybe all of humanity is rude...
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It depends on the American. You can't blame an enitire culture,nationality,race,or any general group of people for the acts,ideas, or attitudes of individuals.
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Only in big cities.
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Think Americans are rude?? Meet a Englishman.
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fairly decent I think
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...I lived outside of America and travelled around parts of Europe and Asia and I have concluded that except for cultural differences, people are pretty much the same everywhere.
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I don´t really know if they are very rude when I only been there once.But I find them more entertaining.Atleast it seems like they are much more open for strangers than here.If someone randomly would speak with me I would be atleast a little uncomfortable and start to wonder what the person wants from me.And if I randomly started a conversation with an another person I never met before by the bus stop for instance then they would probably think I would be a weirdo.Strangers don´t talk so much to each others here, instead we are too occupied with our cellphones.Even if you would say hi or smile to someone you don´t know it would seem a little weird.And we don´t like to stand or sit too close with other people we don´t know.

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