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I have to do some research for a project, and I am wondering what other people of different backgrounds think of American patriotism (...or nationalism, depending on how you see it.) Please answer! I would like to get as many different perspectives as possible...so If you could also include your background (and age if you want), that would be great :D

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41 Answers

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****, no, and it disgusts me. I was brought up in a very patriotic household; my father immigrated from Hungary in '56 after spending 7 years in a Communist concentration camp for -his crime?- being a Boy Scout ( which was considered a very American, democratic, and subversive activity). I was always told about how wonderful this country was with its freedoms, and how many people died for those freedoms throughout American history. Nowadays you're lucky if a school says the Pledge of Allegiance, and that's a **** shame.

hose freedoms americas history lucky school pledge allegiance damn shame
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doubtful the world will go on without us...
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Too patriotic? Have you ever been loved too much? Too healthy? Too smart? Too reverent? Too free? I gaurantee you'll recognize the loss when it's taken away.

There's no such thing as being too patriotic in these United States, eventhough the elitists trying to undermine our country would like for us to throw down our flag and give up our nation to the world. If that happens we deserve every bit of suffering the world has to offer.
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pride always comes before a fall
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Yes I believe we can be. Our concerns should be with the Human Race not just Americans. I love my country I think it is one of the Best on Earth. I'm just as sure there are other peoples from other countries who feel the same about their countries. I will will never fly a plane into a building because my leader demands it of me or because I think they are infidels. How many Germans during WW2 used the patriotic excuse for what they did. I love my country and my leader and it's what he wants. That doesn't work for me. I will Honor and respect my country Unless it goes against *** and what he says I have to do. Then America will have to take 2nd, 3rd or 4th place. *** will always come first. 47 white American Female. Living in rural Maine.
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Bless you sweetheart, im from england and share the same view. I think there are so many of us in this world who have a common understanding between eachother as the human race and i think freedom as an ideal is worth more than a single country. Control and an abuse for power for its own sake is more dangerous.
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Too Patriotic? A lot of folks don't know the meaning of the word. Among the ancient Greeks, patriotism consisted of notions concerning language, religious traditions, ethics, law, and devotion to the common good, rather than pure identification with a nation-state or political party. One needs to know why they are Patriotic. Honoring the sacrifices and accomplishments of those who have gone before and preserving what they have built for us and future generations to enjoy. Progress and improve but do not tear down what has stood the tests of time. The swelling in your chest is pride, Patriotism is an action. A lot of Americans aren't patriotic enough and it shows.
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i'm an american and i dont give a **** about patriatism---actually dont like it -.-
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No. We are the last hope of the world. If we should fail, the world will utterly collapse.
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if there had been no USA, how would the world have ***** up from WWI, WWII, and the Cold War?

Speaking German or Russian and living under totalitarian communism.
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People confuse "patriotism" with "nationalism".

Nationalism is a blind philosophy of "my country, right or wrong". It lacks the acknowledgment of one's own responsibility to stay informed and educated and to be active in attempting to keep their country on the right path. When it does something wrong, a "patriotic" American exposes the wrongdoing so others will know how to stand on such issues.

Nationalism is what was prevalent in Nazi Germany.

Patriotism is what people practice when they peacefully protest.
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Lol i could'nt disagree with you more.
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In my book, there is no such thing as being too patriotic! I am a proud American and am happy to be right where I am in the greatest country on earth.
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<!-- I'm a very proud American! I'm so fortunate that I live here! Land of the free and home of the Brave...you better believe it!!!!! <embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/r-9_fDEsv-Q&rel=1" allownetworking="internal" wmode="transparent" allowScriptAccess="never" enableHREF="false" height="292" width="350" enableJSURL="false" autostart="false" orig_size="425x355" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/> -->I'm a very proud American! I'm so fortunate that I live here! Land of the free and home of the Brave...you better believe it!!!!!
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To generalise, absolutely yes. Why be proud of something that is down to luck? Personally I am English but have lived in Texas for four years and am certainly not 'proud' of being English. Britain/England have thousands of years of history, invented modern democracy, cats eyes, jet engines and the computer and I did precisely none of that. Me taking any credit for the action of Churchill, Shakespeare or Newton is the same as me taking credit for Carlos Lee's walk-off homer against the Nationals. I was there in the crowd but I didn't actually do anything. I am as proud of 'Rime of the ancient Mariner' (Coleridge) as I am of QED (Feynman). Patriotism leads to nationalism and everyone knows where that goes. Internationalism seems better by definition. I would much prefer if people took responsibility for their own actions and tried to make the WORLD a better place. I do squirm a little when at the baseball when the national anthem is played - that only happens in England when the national team plays and I don't like that either. Very Nuremberg rally. I am moving back to London in a couple of months from Houston. Is London better? Not at all, its just different. Just like every city and every country I have been to. I have really enjoyed my time in America and always felt welcome - thanks everyone!
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Your research coincides with all the controversy recently stirred up about "American exceptionalism". America IS exceptional. It is exceptional BECAUSE of its patriotism -- its fanatical devotion to the concepts and principles upon which the country was founded. Without that devotion to individual (not collective) liberty and unalienable rights that can be abridged by neither rulers nor democratic process America is no different than every other country on this planet. But with that devotion -- that fervent patriotism -- America is like no other country on this planet.

So, NO, Americans cannot be too patriotic. Without patriotism they cease to be Americans.
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I have been in at least one country on every continent on this planet, except Antartica. I've seen a lot of things and been a lot of places and decided, years ago, no matter how much I enjoyed my travels and experiences, the U.S. was my home and always will be. With all its flaws and problems, I still think the concepts that founded this country are unique and worthwhile and I would gladly lay down my life in its defense.
I am a 46 years old, college-educated, former Army lieutentant of extremely mixed ethnic origins ( one branch of the family has been in this country since the 1690s). Hope this helps with your project.
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i think we americans are patriotic ... im not all so sure that everyone in office is
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Iam patriotic, As an American I feel that what seperates, America from other countries, is the very principles that our country was founded, The US Constitution and Bill of Rights, even though our country has our problems, WE THE PEOPLE have a voice in what we feel is wrong with our leaders, and for America to be all she can be, WE THE PEOPLE, must be involved in the process of seeing that America never loses the very foundation that made her a great country of, For the People by People. Iam a mother, grandmother, and a very active Patriot for the country, I call my home which I want to preserve FREEDOM, the American Dream for all generations in the future. I don't think there is too much patroitism, but the UN,CFR,TC, and Globalist would probably disagree.
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The fact is that extraordinary events DID occur to birth our nation and they were events involving the defeat of tyrany. The ENTIRE country (for good and bad) was a reaction to the basic freedom that ALL men are due. That IS something to be patriotic about. The problem now is that we have enjoyed so many productive and free years that we are removed from those original feelings of oppression. In many uprisings that resulted from other cultures and countries, it as the "have-nots" rebelling against the "haves". In our specific case there were many afluent colonists forfeiting their wealth and fighting side by side with the "have-nots". This gave our over-all cause MUCH more credibility as an "ideal". Not only were people fighting for fairness and reasonable living condotions, they were fighting for something that they acknowledged was bigger than their individual wants and desires. THAT is why we are called to be patriotic today. To be clear. Just because we recognize this accomplishment of humanity does not mean that the United States has a tacet right to roll over other cultures. By the same token, we cannot simply black out the ideal we have founded our country on every time our leaders of the day have a misstep or advance the country at the expense of another culture. FREED...
The fact is that extraordinary events DID occur to birth our nation and they were events involving the defeat of tyrany. The ENTIRE country (for good and bad) was a reaction to the basic freedom that ALL men are due. That IS something to be patriotic about. The problem now is that we have enjoyed so many productive and free years that we are removed from those original feelings of oppression. In many uprisings that resulted from other cultures and countries, it as the "have-nots" rebelling against the "haves". In our specific case there were many afluent colonists forfeiting their wealth and fighting side by side with the "have-nots". This gave our over-all cause MUCH more credibility as an "ideal". Not only were people fighting for fairness and reasonable living condotions, they were fighting for something that they acknowledged was bigger than their individual wants and desires. THAT is why we are called to be patriotic today. To be clear. Just because we recognize this accomplishment of humanity does not mean that the United States has a tacet right to roll over other cultures. By the same token, we cannot simply black out the ideal we have founded our country on every time our leaders of the day have a misstep or advance the country at the expense of another culture. FREEDOM IS AN INALIENABLE RIGHT. It goes beyond any King or ruling body and even America itself. If you are Christian or Jewish you believe this is *** ordained. If you are not Christian or Jewish it seems within reason to ****** there are forces at work in our world that justify this ideal. Cultures who enslave men for the good of their economy may say that the success justifies the act but an impartial observer will see that in addition to the thriving ruling body present there will be an enslaved body of people that will cry for release and this is a sign of disbalance that is a FAILURE.(even on a functional existential level)
Therfore...I am fine with patriotism. I am 45 and a teacher.
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No, we've gone from being patriotic to being apathetic. Who was watching our government when they started invoking immorality? Who was watching and protesting when SCOTUS unconstitutionally declared abortions legal? And so on and so forth...
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I know Americans who become very offended when I mention the slightest notion of anything not positive about the US. Then they start attacking whatever nationality you are. I find this to be more common among conservatives. I think being patriotic for your country is a positive thing, but it's way over the top in the US. To the point where it starts becoming disrespectful of other countries and cultures.
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53, Retired Army. No, I don't think you can be to patriotic. Most people aren't patriotic enough.

53 retired army patriotic people patriotic
I still get goose ***** when I here it!!!
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Ask 100 people you'll get 100 definitions of patriotic. Is there too much clinging to dogmatic posturing and too much desire to force it on everyone possible? That's true of patriots and their detractors as well. Too little effort in realizing the actual potential of America to lead world progress at home and abroad? Definitely.
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They're too patriotic where it doesn't matter.
They'll chew your head off for saying anything negative about the country, but they don't care for it where it matters (community service, upholding the law, etc).

I'm 15 and born in America to parents who were the first generation of their families to be born in the US. My mother's family immigrated from Sicily, and my father's from Denmark. I'm not proud of what America has done. I don't always agree with the country's decision as a whole, but I still believe it's a pretty great place to live, and I do my best to keep it that way.
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That is true. My great-grandmother immigrated to Central America from Russia (Apparently she wanted to be different so she didn't pick America :/) partially because the Soviet nationalism was much too damaging for the country. And look what happened to them.

I think that America is just so ***** that it feels as if its duty is to stick it's nose up other countries' business and try to shove its ideals onto them.
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I actually don't care about patriotism, I'm thinking about moving to another country in my *********. I'm a whole bunch of nationalities.
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The greatest problem facing the country is that the majority of those who consider themselves to be the most patriotic are in reality the least patriotic.
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48 US Army vet. What we need is MORE Patriotism in this country!!! More voters more voices and more eyes on the issues and the politicians to keep this great nation alive and restore it to the glory that our forefathers orignally intended for her! *** Bless America!
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im a proud american
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You find older folks showing more patriotism than our younger population. Our schools taught us pride of country, pride in the flag and pride in what it means to be an American. Now it is just the opposite. Students are now taught it's cool to hate your country. I am so proud of our young people in the military and so ashamed of those that mock and ridicule these patriots. Evidently, liberals teaching their hateful rhetoric, wasted their time on these fine young Americans.
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I could very well see drawing a line between pride in one's country versus love of one's country. Certainly an individual can have both but perhaps many possess one or the other and I cannot fathom why that would be unacceptable.
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You say that, and then call liberals hateful?
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You Betcha!!
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And you don't find that the least bit hypocritical?
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NOT possible!
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I don't think Americans are Patriotic enough.
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Todays patriots are few and far between ....thats all i've got to say
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Possibly! I can understand wanting the best for your country, but patriotism seems to go with elitism or willingness to do extreme, not necessarily good, things for your country. To me, it doesn't make sense to be so loyal to a country, just because you happened to be born there. But, on the other hand, I do think the USA is one of the better countries, but is that really something to be proud of when in most cases the patriotic person hasn't really done anything to make it that way and is just bragging about being lucky enough to be born here.
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Very well put ^_^. I must say, you are the one I agree the most with.
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Most people in the world can vote too ;-)