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in Living by
Today at my local library there was a speaker who had had his books banned from the local library... I thought I would go along... what the heck ? And it turns out we got into a big discussion on wether certain books should be banned or not from middle schools, I thought I would share it on ********.


-Stops kids from reading innaproatite books at middle school
-Kids don't pick up bad languade
Any more ?


-Freedom of Speech
-Increases learning
-Convosation Starter
Any more ?

Sorry I don't remember a lot of it. Add to the convo!!

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31 Answers

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I believe that kids should be kids, they do not need to grow up too soon...If its ****** material then I do not think it should be where ******** can access it....That is the parents responsibility
educating their ******** about ***....
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'We hold these rights to be self evident...'
One of those rights is the freedom of speech. People can choose what they please to read. Also, do they honestly think that kids don't hear 'bad language' at home? They don't hear about innaproatite things from friends and, ****, even on the news?

I see no point in banning books from a library. Thats like going to a movie theater and for two hours look at a blank screen, theres no point.
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Wow. Where is this world going to, over a book!
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Usually the neighbourhoods that dont have public librarys (not steryotyping) dont have enough money to be buying books off the internet, or even internet.
And thats another topic. Government Banning.
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Regardless, the internet is available to everyone and if you want a book that badly there are other resources to acquiring it, unless its a book the government has banned
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Yes. But they are not at access to kids during the school day, and some towns dont have a public library. Just a school one.
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I'm sure you can find those at your public library, or local bookstore.
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By banning book I mean like... a book on *** education is banned from a library, or a book like the time travelers life, or a book with a scene where there is *** or "bad" language.
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Banning books and not having books available in a middle school library are two different things. If a middle schooler wants to read something like "The Fountainhead", "Mein Kampf", or anything from Immanuel Kant or Friedrich Nietzsche he should be allowed to, but I wouldn't expect a middle school library to have those readily available, they have the option of going to their public library.
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If a middle school kid is interested enough in reading to actually go to the library then they should have full access to any book you would find in the average public library.
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Yes & Amen .....I agree
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I think they do, which is a good thing, but they should market them better....make them more available to those who need them.
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It is a sensitive topic......They should sell books for the parents on How to Tell my ***** About ***........
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It is the parent's responsibility to educate their ******** on such a personal topic-that is true- however many don't because they feel it's too sensitive a topic. If kids don't then learn it from their buddies, they learn it from books. Neither is favorable, but it doesn't necessarily force them to grow up too soon
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Thanks. :)
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I think that certain books should require permission from parents. I read of how some books are now being banned from some schools because they are "too religious". A student once was told to read the personal writings of people who lived before modern recordings to try and get to know them. He asked for writings of John Adams (person he was researching) and was told those were banned under the "Separation of Church & State." What one school would banned would be allowed in another due to the personal preferences of the ones in charge. This is why I say controversial books require parental permission.
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Well said.
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Now, I wouldn't exactly stock the shelves with romance novels or anything, but if it's a legitimate piece of good literature that could be used in education, schools should provide it regardless of the content. Most schools aren't going to run into the dilemma of banning books unless they are a middle school or high school. Books that are inappropriate for young kids aren't kept at grade schools anyway, as they are too advanced for most of the students comprehension wise. And by middle school, kids should be able to make their own choices about what they read. You can't further education without a bit of challenging or controversial reading in my opinion. Not only that, but if you make something "banned," kids will immediately want to get their hands on it more than they would otherwise. Bottom line, it should be available for those who wish to read it.
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books are wonderful and should not be taken out of liberarys everyone should have the freedom to read whatever they want books should not be censored
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Nothing should be censored. Wait til you get someone with an agenda reviewing the to-ban-or-not-to-ban list... suddenly an act made with good intention turns very, very wicked. Putting limitations on young minds is wrong, and efforts should be made to expose ******** to all relevant topics. That's everything, folks. Sheltering kids can backfire and leave them unprepared when it comes to the "real world". Of course this is excluding text with curse words and EXPLICIT descriptions of *** or violence. Other than that, everything should be available, or at the least, not taken away.
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see I told you. told
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The Nazis banned and burned books in the 1940's and The Christian Conservatives banned and burned Beatle records in the 1960's. Censorship is never a good idea.christian conservatives banned burned beatle records 1960s censorship
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There is no such who has the power, or right to deny others you from reading the books, or other things who is written down!! It,s a human right to resd and learn!!, and to use their brain,- to speak and to think on behalvf of that knowlegde, i am well aware that nearly all "that is learn today is how to google, and how to use wikipedia" SAD SAD.. the "hunger for more knowwgde. And the fact that(there is that knowlegfe s power!I, Please lesrn the ******** how to to use their brains, to think, create, ask questions.. Not only grow up in front of a computer playing war games.. Just become zoombiers..I am Sad, but it seems like we are lucky they(the young ones know what a book is........... So a BIG yes from me!!!

grow playing war games zoombiers sad lucky theythe young book
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Rode my bike to the local Library when I was 12, Got a Library card didn't need Parents permission or have to show any ID. All they asked is what School I went to.Been reading what I want ever since.
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Well I'm caugt in the middle because its kinda unfair to take books away from kids if they really want to read them. But also it could help some things so I'm not sure.
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Books are good for you!
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screw you
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if I found out that a book was banned at my school I would immediately get a hold of it