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32 Answers

0 votes
I tell the truth even when people don't want to hear it but I'm not going to be mean about it.
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It depends on the situation
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I'm pretty honest if asked for an opinion, but do my best to spare feelings.
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I tell the truth even when people don't want to hear it but I'm not going to be mean about it.
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If it's something somebody can't help, I let it go entirely. But if they had to work at it to get it so wrong, I'll stand on the table and shout "Halfwit!" :O)
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foot in mouth
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I'm more upfront than most people, but I have a decent emotional understanding that some others lack. Both brutal honesty and trying to please others at all times have major disadvantages. A reasonable ********** of the situation is always best.
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They may not like it, but somebodies got to tell them.

Just don't tell me anything about me. You hear ?
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... and as often as possible. Knowing when to say nothing at all is included in that "right speech", a track on the 8-fold Path of the Buddha.
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It depends on the situation.
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But I am usually brutally honest, which annoys some people. It is there problem, not mine.
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Sometimes the truth needs to be told in a brutally honest way, but most of the time it doesn't. Needlessly hurting someone just for the purpose of being able to say you are honest is mean spirited at best.
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Using a combination of wisdom and situation, I make the decision to say what I feel is appropriate.
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Very much so
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Depends on the circumstance.
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Brutal honesty is over rated. Why hurt feelings when you don't have to.
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depends on what I am telling the person and if i have the proof for it. If i have the proof i will tell them the truth all the time because if they find out your lying it would just make the situation worse.
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I learned to be careful being brutally honest...
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Do not ask questions that you really do not want answer to.
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Diplomatic as possible.
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Velvet glove and the Iron fist.
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Every situation is different.
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I try not to blurt out what I think, but if someone asks, I won't lie.
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Tell it like it is.
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I'm honest, but not brutal.
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I won't lie, but I have a heart.
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it...it really depends on the situation. like, i tell white lies to preserve peoples feelings. but if someone tells me to be very honest with them i will. o.o i mean i don't want to ever sound hurtful because someone could be really having a bad day and i'm not a hoser so i wouldn't ruin it for them :/
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I'm brutally honest & if people don't like that-too bad,I'm not about to lie just to "cover up",that is wrong it's better to be upfront & honest.
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" Are you brutally honest or do you spare feelings? ... no, I've been reprogrammed to just stay silent.
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It depends on the situation. Sometimes brutal honesty is necessary, sometimes it could be damaging.
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Spare feelings for sure.
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I do spare feelings on personal level about personal things, never seen a reason to destroy another and kindness, for me, takes the lead. Truth can be a terrible weapon when used without thinking.

In business, brutally honest; in discussions with mature people, brutally honest, in finance - brutally honest and so on.