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12 Answers

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Maybe I was an early bloomer but I'd say around 21-22, I started really taking more responsibility. I realized, while outside influences will always play a role in life, you are ultimately responsible for what you do with it. Sure, somethings do just happen to you... It's really not your fault if, say, it starts raining suddenly. Sure, other people are responsible for the roles. However, you are responsible for yours and you can't blame that on anyone else. You may not be responsible for a tornado tearing up your house, but if you chose to live in a tornado zone, then that's really on you. You can't blame anyone else for that.

I was hurt by people, but I put myself in those situations and trusted those people. Sure, my parents were... quite frankly, not great parents, but I could either be bitter and angry, act out and self destruct or learn from their mistakes so that I'd be a better parent for my kid than they were to me. Sometimes you really are just roadblocked by your situation and it's no one's fault. Sometimes taking responsibility means just accepting the situation for what it is, and doing your best.

There's no magic age, certainly. It comes for self awareness and maturity. No one can make you do anything, you always own your actions and therefore the consequences...
Maybe I was an early bloomer but I'd say around 21-22, I started really taking more responsibility. I realized, while outside influences will always play a role in life, you are ultimately responsible for what you do with it. Sure, somethings do just happen to you... It's really not your fault if, say, it starts raining suddenly. Sure, other people are responsible for the roles. However, you are responsible for yours and you can't blame that on anyone else. You may not be responsible for a tornado tearing up your house, but if you chose to live in a tornado zone, then that's really on you. You can't blame anyone else for that.

I was hurt by people, but I put myself in those situations and trusted those people. Sure, my parents were... quite frankly, not great parents, but I could either be bitter and angry, act out and self destruct or learn from their mistakes so that I'd be a better parent for my kid than they were to me. Sometimes you really are just roadblocked by your situation and it's no one's fault. Sometimes taking responsibility means just accepting the situation for what it is, and doing your best.

There's no magic age, certainly. It comes for self awareness and maturity. No one can make you do anything, you always own your actions and therefore the consequences. It's okay to ask for help, but you need to not be blaming everyone and everything else all the time. People get sick of it and they don't respect you for it. It makes you seem ********. People are more likely to help you if you come to them humbly and admit that you need help and that you put yourself in whatever situation.
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There is NO magical age Daniel. Since I was old enough to know right from wrong I have been responsible for my own actions.
I was responsible for my own actions more years than I care to remember.
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Well, I never blamed anyone else and that includes the years BEFORE 27 also. I pretty much ignored my parents and went my own way. Today my mother is 98, in an ******** living place and I still take care of her as necessary. My mother taught me little, my father, less, therefor, I have nothing to blame them for...or anyone else. I am ME, that's it.
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Once you become an *****, you must accept your responsibilities. You may have had a **** life, you may have been through many things, but you decide whether those things rule your life or whether you rise above it
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******************** ACTUALLY ***************

You start ******** responsibility for you're actions when you know the difference between Right and Wrong. And while we are all raised in a different culture and type of environment, and have been instructed by our parents differently, yet the one single most important truth about you is this:



America is Great because it was built with **** work and creativity and the desire to be successful

And yes, while it is true that Liberals rob you of what you earned.. YOU ****** RESPONSIBILITY THE DAY YOU ARE OLD ENOUGH TO VOTE
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Thank you
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I'm a "liberal" and have never "robbed" a conservative of anything. I used to be an independent but conservatives robbed me of that by leaving me no choice, if I want to keep America as it has been for about a century....its most successful century!
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Ahhhhhhhhh But you know as a Liberal that the DNC's Agenda is not to keep America as it is but to rather change America into a Socialist Country

And while you personally have not robbed any person, Those in politics have. You and I know this to be true. Even some of the Republicans are crooked too, and I am being honmest

Politicians are elected to REPRESENT THE PEOPLE, However when they get to Washington DC and see the flow of millions of dollars and the power they can achieve and a little bundle under the table, they decide to stay for life

To keep the flow of power going, they use illegal and dead votes because no liberal politician can win a fair electionn
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When you realize all blame is futile!
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Actually, it can be years earlier, it just depends on how you were raised.
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