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in Living by
With all of the hype lately concerning the Mayan calender, the declining economy, the upcoming election, and the possible consequences of a "nuclear" Iran, people have started turning to the fast-growing practice of "prepping". More and more people are looking at new ways to save and store food, stockpile dry goods and ammunition, and learning various ways to live "off the grid", or "off the land".

Do YOU find yourself trying to save more food? Have you started taking a more keen interest in canning foods, or learning basic survival skills? Do you have basic first aid skills? Maybe, you're one of the people that has started stocking up on ammunition and is learning to be a "better shot"? Or, have you started buying long-term foodstuffs, such as military-style MREs (Meals, Ready to Eat), or, the freeze-dried "hiker's meals" that are so popular nowadays? Are you stocking up on water? Do you have a few extra filled gas cans in the garage?

Do you know what to do in the event of a disaster? Do you have a "bug-out bag"? Do you practice disaster drills, or do you simply have a "plan in place"? Are you one of the people that believes that America, and the world, is going to "**** in a hand-basket", or do you simply believe that stocking up is just a good idea?

Are you a  Prepper

Are you a  prepper

All answers are welcome, and if you decide to pass on some of your experience or ideas, then by all means, do so! Your views, experience, or ideas may, one day, very well make the difference in someone else's life, if they ever find themselves in a bad situation.
If nothing else, this post could prove to be very entertaining! ;)

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21 Answers

0 votes
People need to be aware how fragile our economic condition is and how few items are in any grocery store at any one time. You need to understand there will come a time when you can only rely on yourself for your survival.
0 votes
I think that guy is ME, lol! Then what? Then, we have a reloading party at my house, and everyone brings their favorite dish. I'll fire up the grill, and get the reloading press ready! Who's with me? :)

lee reloader
0 votes
Not on a freaky level like doomsday prepper people but to a certain point. I have a few guns and enough ammo, basic medicine, and food to last a week or so mostly in case of floods or blizzards which happen where I live and in case a bunch of idiots decide to start another stupid war locally or I **** off the wrong people which could be foreseeable since I'm proud to be a smartass lol.
0 votes
People need to be aware how fragile our economic condition is and how few items are in any grocery store at any one time. You need to understand there will come a time when you can only rely on yourself for your survival.
0 votes
Yes it is! I believe in a well stocked pantry. With the responsibility of feeding 14 people on a daily bases its imperative.
0 votes
Prepping today is just like having a well stocked pantry in my mothers day. Canning and preserving food used to be the norm. So you are a prepper but you just don't take it to extremes. I just want to make sure my ******** and grandbabies don't go hungry if something happens.
0 votes
I'm not really into the doomsday drama, I have a very large family so I try to stay prepared with enough food for at least a month, I already know about canning and preserving as I'm very old school. Same with medical supplies, cleaning supplies and water, always stay ahead of your supplies.
0 votes
Good, Now everybody can be aware.
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MREs ARE constipating! Thats why they include the "chiklet" gum... its actually a mild laxative, lol! 3 years in the Army taught me to keep that gum handy, lol!
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Count me in, if you promise to keep the grill away from the powder. :-)
0 votes
And if that guy is you (me), then what?
0 votes
Yes and no, I still think something big is gonna happen that's gonna thrust us into the beginning of a horrible situation; however, I haven't stocked anything because I don't think that will matter, like in Katrina or a Tsunami, what will stocked food do to help?!

I do keep my eyes open to all the drastic changes occurring, what i'm seeing makes me fearful.
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Very Smart.
0 votes
Yes we have guns and ammo and we don't keep all our supplies in one place.
0 votes
Same here on all counts. If you have what people want are you preparing to see that they don't get it?
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I have a combination of regular canned/packaged food (short term) and dehydrated, freeze dryed food with 25 to 30 year shelf life. I do have a few MREs in case cooking is not an option. I am not prepping for the mayan *** of the world. I am prepping for financial collapse, food shortages, crop failures, natural disaster, etc.
0 votes
Yes, I have always been interested in surviving whatever life throws my way.

If we are talking "*** of the world" Mayan calendar stuff; I am not sure if that will be survivable because it is the *** of the world. The other stuff, I can handle it.

MREs are constipating, be prepared for that. The idea being that you are not out on a mission and need to take time for a dump and thus giving away your position or being distracted. Prepare for that.

I spent 45 years living under nuke-laden B-52s taking off and landing 24/7. Any questions.
We were a first strike target.
0 votes
Well thought out! My compliments!
0 votes
Yes I am a prepper! Food, water, first aide, canning, garden, water collection, solar devices, multiple heat sources, multiple cooking options, sanitation options, water purification systems, go bags ready, silver, cash, walkie talkies and last but certainly not least guns and ammo! And I don't keep it all in one place.

Grocery stores only have about 3 days worth of food. The thing to remember so that you are not overwhelmed is to start small. You can survive 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food. So start with water, 1 gallon per day per person at least 3 days worth. Then make sure you have 3 days worth of food. Then just keep adding more as you can afford it. Don't forget medications, don't wait until the last minute to get them refilled. Keep your gas tank at least half full.
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