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The definitions of atheism and agnosticism are redundant topics here, but this particular question has been gnawing at me.

Is an agnostic an atheist?

Oxford Dictionary's definition of Agnostic:
"A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of *** or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in ***."

Oxford Dictionary's definition of Atheist:
"A person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of *** or ****"

If we investigate these words on a grammatically fundamental level, the prefix "a" means to negate (not; without; opposite to) and the root word "gnostic" means of or relating to knowledge, especially esoteric mystical knowledge.
Theism means belief in the existence a of *** or ****.

There is also a term called "Agnostic Theism" which is defined as believing in the existence of a *** but not claiming to know for sure that this *** definitely exists.
This would essentially prove that agnosticism is not limited to atheism. I have possibly answered my own question in the process, but what you think?

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41 Answers

0 votes
"Is there a ***?"

hahaha no
i dont know
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I think you've over complicated it as it's the belief or lack of that defines them not the grammatical interpretation, so an atheist says no there is no ***, an agnostic says I have no idea.
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"Is there a ***?"

hahaha no
i dont know
0 votes
What about gnostics then?

And I'm Agnostic-Atheist. Half way between "HAHAHAHAHAHAH no" and "no idea".
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"Is there a ***?"

[Insert "Probably-not gif" here]
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No no, gnostic doesn't mean "probably not". Agnostic means that it cannot be known if a *** exists and gnostic means that it can be known. Here's a nice illustration for understanding:

gnostic agnostic god exists gnostic illustration understanding
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Too many labels. :I
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What do you mean?
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I would guess no, but I am NOT one, so I can't tell for sure.
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Some lean more towards theist and some (like me) lean more towards atheist
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My ******** are agnostic as they have not developed a belief about the idea of ****. I on the other hand am an atheist because I do have a firm position on the existence of ****.
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You just answered your own question in the description.

"If we investigate these words on a grammatically fundamental level, the prefix "a" means to negate (not; without; opposite to) and the root word "gnostic" means of or relating to knowledge, especially esoteric mystical knowledge.
Theism means belief in the existence a of *** or ****."

Simply put: Agnostic = Not knowing - Atheism = Not believing ***(s) exists. They have different definitions for a reason.
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Most are.
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From what I've read:
Agnosticism is the view that the truth values of certain claims – especially metaphysical and religious claims such as whether or not ***, the divine or the supernatural exist – are unknown and perhaps unknowable is someone who neither believes nor disbelieves in the existence of ***.

Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. Most inclusively, atheism is the absence of belief that any deities exist.

Gnostic ideas influenced many ancient religions that teach that gnosis (variously interpreted as knowledge, enlightenment, salvation, emancipation or 'oneness with ***') may be reached by practicing philanthropy to the point of personal poverty, ****** abstinence (as far as possible for hearers, entirely for initiates) and diligently searching for wisdom by helping others. However, practices varied among those who were Gnostic.

You're gonna make me learn whether I want to or not, aren't you?
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Well, I originally had the idea that agnosticism referred solely to the uncertainty of religious beliefs as opposed to the uncertainty of knowing whether or not a *** or **** exist. So I ***** up learning quite a bit myself!
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See When you're 15 - 20, you know everything there is to know... After that you start learning the real stuff, and that never ****. I had to figure that out on my own... with the help from my wife. :-)
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in a way, most true atheists are agnostics.
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Seems so. Only the most pretentious of atheists deny any probability of ***/****.
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I like to call them "religious atheists" but in reality, if there was actual evidence of a ***, all of us would acknowledge its existence. ****, there's more evidence of bigfoot than there is of ***
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That would be a contradiction in terms.
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Hmmm. Why would you ask that question?

I can only tell you for sure that **I** am an atheist. Therefore not being an agnostic I can't tell you what they are. I guess it would be up to them to tell YOU, rather than you telling them.
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Agnostics are literally people who do not know if there is a *** (that is the definition). Atheists believe there is no ***.
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I agree, this isn't binary. Agnostics are neutral. They neither believe nor disbelieve.

Atheists, on the other hand, have made a choice to disbelieve, even though there is no evidence for either position.

When there is some sort of evidence, then I can stop being neutral. Perhaps when I die?
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atheist coffee
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I am agnostic, my personal definition is that it means I believe in a higher power but don't pretend to know what it is, like organized religion does.
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The two terms have different meanings
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Most atheists are agnostics (we don't know, but we don't believe either), but not all agnostics are atheists. There are agnostic theists too. To be honest, everyone should be an agnostic. There is literally NO way to know what lies beyond the universe. It could be a ***, but it could just as well be nothing. And in fact, that's probably the more likely case. But still, we can never KNOW for certain.
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an agnostic is on the fence, can't fathom there being a *** or not being a ***, needs time to seriously study the situation
if you are an atheist you say you are an atheist
same with an agnostic - no agnostics are atheists they are agnostic
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agnostics haven't made a choice, atheists have.
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This isn't binary. You believe there is or isn't, or you don't know. Agnostic simply doesn't know. They don't HAVE to choose.
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We'll only ever know the answer to that after death, I believe.
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they have never been observed, but that doesn't preclude the possibility that they exist. At least, they've never been observed by ME, personally, and someone's else's account isn't proof.
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And once that happens, we can't give that answer to anyone else.

Not that anything other than personal experience could be considered proof.
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Atheism refers to BELIEF. Agnosticism refers to KNOWLEDGE. You can be both an agnostic and an atheist. You can admit that you do not know for certain, but then add that you do not believe there is a ***. Likewise, you can admit that you do not know, but add that you DO believe there is a ***. The two aren't mutually exclusive. It's a scale. I, as most atheists do, consider myself an agnostic atheist. There is simply no way to prove for or against a ***, but I still find it to be very, very unlikely.

Even Richard Dawkins, the most outspoken atheist ever, considers himself an agnostic atheist. It is disbelief, not knowledge, that leads us to atheism. Much like how Christians do not believe in Hinduism, and Hindus do not believe in Christianity. Atheists simply don't believe in ANY religion. Knowledge may influence it, such as scientific discovery, but we do not know for sure if a *** exists or not.
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and knowledge should be the basis of belief, or the belief is unfounded.

until I have the knowledge, I cannot form a belief, nor can I disbelieve it. I have to have knowledge first.
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So, basically, what you're saying is, since you do not KNOW for certain if there are pink unicorns that live at the center of Mars or not, you neither believe nor disbelieve in them? That is an absolutely silly stance to take. There are answers more likely to be true than others. There are probably not any pink unicorns that live at the center of Mars. Can I prove this? No. But I don't think there are. I don't believe in them. There are many things that we cannot prove for or against. *** is not a unique case. You are holding on to religion a little too tightly.
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Without absolute knowledge, neutrality is the only logical course. Schrodinger's cat: the cat is alive or dead, but I do not care to hazard a guess as to which. I prefer to open the box and find the answer.
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That's all well and good, but there are variables that you can use to predict an answer. That is the foundation of science. Has the cat eaten? Is there enough air? How long has it been since it drank water? Etc. Depending on the answers to these questions, the cat is either likely to still be alive, or not. We could be wrong, of course, but we are still using probability based on prior knowledge/what we already KNOW to be true. If the cat has had food and water, and there is enough oxygen in the box, then chances are, the cat is alive. Likewise, if not, the cat is likely dead. This is not a guess. This is an educated prediction. We don't have to "hazard a guess". We only have to use our brains.
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I don't "predict" or "guess" anything. I don't play games of chance. I need clear cut answers one way or the other.

I thought you might look up Schrodinger's cat to understand the situation. The cat is in a box with a toxic compound that will be released IF a radioactive particle is detected. The compound will instantly kill the cat. The particle may or may not be detected though. I'm not going to take a guess at whether it's alive or dead, I'm going to check for myself. This isn't the case with things like **** and aliens. It isn't possible to know with any certainty if either of those things exist (the two could be one and the same thing).
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I know what schrodinger's cat is. You can still make an educated prediction using science.
Aliens are not unknowable, because they exist within the observable universe, meaning that they CAN be observed. We just have to find some to observe. Until then, we can make an educated prediction about the existence of alien life using what we already know about our own planet. I can use this as an example to explain how we can "know" without knowing.
We have been able to reproduce the conditions of early Earth, and we have been able to make artificial organic compounds in these early conditions. The next step is to get them to form a proto-cell, which is a little more difficult, but it only needs to happen once, in such a way that it would copy itself. We also know that this is possible, using the theory that lipids formed around bubbles which contained some solute and RNA (the precursor to DNA). After that happens, then evolution can take over, allowing for speciation. Evolution was slower at first because ****** reproduction had not yet evolved, but it started to speed up when oxygen bagan to appear in the atmosphere. The oxygen killed off many of the photosynthesizing, unicellular life, and allowed for natural selection to begin. The ones who could use oxygen thrived in this enviro...

I know what schrodinger's cat is. You can still make an educated prediction using science.
Aliens are not unknowable, because they exist within the observable universe, meaning that they CAN be observed. We just have to find some to observe. Until then, we can make an educated prediction about the existence of alien life using what we already know about our own planet. I can use this as an example to explain how we can "know" without knowing.
We have been able to reproduce the conditions of early Earth, and we have been able to make artificial organic compounds in these early conditions. The next step is to get them to form a proto-cell, which is a little more difficult, but it only needs to happen once, in such a way that it would copy itself. We also know that this is possible, using the theory that lipids formed around bubbles which contained some solute and RNA (the precursor to DNA). After that happens, then evolution can take over, allowing for speciation. Evolution was slower at first because ****** reproduction had not yet evolved, but it started to speed up when oxygen bagan to appear in the atmosphere. The oxygen killed off many of the photosynthesizing, unicellular life, and allowed for natural selection to begin. The ones who could use oxygen thrived in this environment.
Knowing these things, we can look for the right chemicals on planets to create life as we know it. We do this using spectroscopy. The elements in the atmosphere reflect certain wavelengths of light, and we can gather information from the colors we get. We look for things like methane a lot, and oxygen is good too. Water is obvious, as it is one of the only compounds we know of that has the right chemical conditions for life. There are others, but water is most likely for life, seeing as how hydrogen and oxygen are 2 out of 3 of the top three most common elements in the universe.
Anyway, the probability that life exists elsewhere is huge. We have even found the materials needed to form life on freaking comets. This, by the way, is interesting, because it backs up the theory of panspermia, which is the explanation that life actually originated somewhere else, but came to Earth on a comet. I find that idea interesting, but it would still require that abiogenesis occur elsewhere to be brought here.
As you can see, we are pretty certain that aliens exist. We don't know about intelligent life, because that brings into question the Fermi Paradox, but life in general is highly probable.

***, on the other hand, is not within the observable universe. However, its existence can be reasoned about. We can come to a logical conclusion, even when we cannot know for sure.
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Which is why you can't prove the existence or non-existence of a *** or other Deities.
That comes under the realm of faith, whether false or not is up to the individuals beliefs.