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in Living by
In particular **** and oral ***.
They are discussing this in government at the moment.
Parents are only too happy to have it taken care of in the school system...

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39 Answers

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When they're 80 years old. XD
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******** should learn around 11-12yrs old. Truth MOST have already been exposed to it in some form or another;classmates, friends, media, books left unsecured, newstands, internet, tv shows, their own developing body which is happening younger and younger in girls ~ (I believe because of all the hormones they consume via food)

It should be done in a straight forward scientifc manner and segregated. I think young boys, as well as girls, are embaressed and uncomfortable about the changes going on with their thinking and bodies;less likely to ask questions. More likely to poke fun to hide their feelings if the opposite *** is sitting in the classroom with them. Let them submit anonymous questions that can be answered at a later time. Probably uncover any suspicious activities, save a mind or two.
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9th grade. :I
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Personally I was not "only too happy to have it taken care of by the school system".
I **** sure would not of wanted my sons football coach to teach him. It was bad enough that he called the players a bunch of pussies when they did not play as good as he thought they should. Naturally when I complained about my 6th grader being called a ***** I was the one the principle said was causing problems.
All of us girls were taken into a room in 5th grade and were taught about our menstrual cycles. A bunch of the girls were bragging about how they had already started and I was so jealous and felt left out. It was not until "it" happened to me at 14 that I felt totally gipped and decided "it" was not so great after all.

I bought a book and taught my sons about *** as I felt it was age appropriate. My mother never taught me anything. When she found out I had let my sons watch "The miracle of birth", she accused me of letting them watch ****.

My sons are 24 and 28, both still ********* and STD free.
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When they're 80 years old. XD
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I learned about *** in eighth and ninth grade, I believe. That seems like a good age. And, before the ********** start in, plenty of straight couples have **** ***.
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Well.... Depends on if they're homeschooled or public schooled.
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Sometime in middle school, so anywhere between the ages of 11 and 13.
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About 8 or 9. Especially now and days.
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I also think you are a sick puppy to want to introduce oral or **** *** to young kids. BASIC *** education is necessary. Especially with pedophiles and perverts running around uncaged.
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Home School. This all depends on the ***** and their own speed of learning.
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It's what they were discussing on the news...in government...and oral and **** *** needs to be taught as well as the basics simply because of all the perverts running around...

I'm not saying what's right or wrong but I am saying ignorance is not bliss.
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Yeah,I tried deleting that after I re read the question. SMH. What a world we live in. Taboo is now common lore and that may not be a completly bad thing but I'm not sure it's a good thing either.
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When "good" is called "bad" and "bad" is now called "good" it can be a very confusing world.
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We started in 5 grade(6 gradeUS) in my school.More about how a ***** was made and a few other things.
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It is not a school issue unless they want to teach any dangers of it. Sometimes parents forget that.
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Agreed. If it's about warning/educating them that's one thing and it should be on a case by case. Don't feel comfortable with that being a subject per se. Doesn't fall into reproduction category. They should know how the body works. Helpful in their understanding what's going on with their bodies and thinking. Anything more than that should be a parent, guidence counselor or social worker on campus
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About "***" or How to commit fornication?

I think that ******** should learn "about" *** as soon as they are old enough to ask "Where do babies come from?"

And the answer should be geared to the answer that satisfies for now and gets them to ask more detailed questions later.

How the body grows and developed should be taught in "Health" classes to ******** as young as the 3rd grade.
Save the functions of the ****** organs for the 11th and 12trh grades.

Now about the "How to" stuff.

Teach that these are ***** activities reserved for those who are married.

Many of us have learned from *** and history that it is best for society to adhere to that practice.
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My dad gave me the *** talk when I was around 11 years old. He never told me about oral or ****. I think maybe 8 years old would be a good time to tell kids about *** but maybe wait a few years before you get into the other stuff.
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At least before any of them reach the age of *******. That's obviously different for girls and boys, i.e. menstruation vs. *********.
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These need to be taught by parents. Public schooling on *** should not include acts that some religions deem as unacceptable. In fact, parents need to have the right to have their ******** excluded from *** education in public schools.
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That's interesting. Girls start getting their periods anywhere from the age of 12. When do boys start getting *********?

I started getting interested in boys at about the age of 6.
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Boys start getting ********* a lot sooner than most boys start getting interested in girls (or get up the nerve to ask to use the ******** on a girl)!
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16 and older. The highest incidence new onset oral and **** herpes is in that age group. Most kids are using **** and oral to keep from getting pregnant. They need the education to prevent STD transmission
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At about the age of 30 they will be sufficiently mature to realize that the **** is the *** of a tube nearly thirty feet long and filled with s***t. At the other *** of this tube is the input orifice where nature intended for food to be chewed and swallowed. Any other uses of these bodily parts is unnatural and should be avoided else some harm will come to them, usually a disease of some sort or a rupture requiring an embarrassing and painful surgery.

There is really no need for government to sponsor or encourage any ****** deviations from the natural order of things.
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When I was in school we learned about *** behind the gym and after school. I don't know that it needs to be taught in the classroom. Maybe it should. I don't know but if so it should be at least by 7th grade or it'll be too late.
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It depends on the ***** when they are ready to learn about it. Everyone matures at a different pace. If they ask questions; always answer them. I think it's important for ******** to know for sure before *******.
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I tend to agree, when a ***** thinks its ready, that is when, when they start asking those curious questions, one should answer them with their level of understanding. For instance, if they ask what you and your partner are doing, answer them. Most all ******** I think have seen their parents having *** at one time or the other. Some see it sooner than they should by sleeping in the same room and even bed as the parents. I think that those who have lived on a farm or ranch from a early age know far more about ***/reproduction than others. And if they ask is that how they got her, explain it to them, don't ignore the question.
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I grew up in a Christian home. We all did. None of our parents talked to us about *** and we found out everything and more by reading ****.
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I think it should should be a natural process of gradual learning. When kids start to ask questions, you answer them at the level that they can understand. Create an environment where they're not going to be too embarrassed to ask, and be matter-of-fact about it. And yes, schools need to have *** ed, but parents shouldn't think that gives them a free pass not to have to talk to their kids. And most importantly, schools and parents both SHOULDN'T BE LYING TO THEM. Telling kids garbage like "condoms don't work" or "every time you have ***, you give part of yourself away and you won't have anything left for your spouse," puts them at more risk for unsafe *** and causes unhealthy attitudes. All *** ed should be science-based like any health class.
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I,agree I found out a lot from playboy magazines.
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Hef's work was a ******* for me.
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Same here ... and no problem. My point is that *** education must remain a parental preogative.
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Parents should always teach their ******** about the facts of life, including ***. And not about anything that their beliefs forbid. The schools have no business teaching morality or anti-morality issues of any kind. They also should not be forced by the few, to partake or accept those who choose to engage in in moral or ethical debauchery. I say that no one special interest group should have sway over anybody else, in how they run their lives. You can not regulate or legislate morality at any cost. We need to get the government out of our lives completely once and for all. Thus eliminating the federally intrusive government.
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Generally I agree, but "always" is a cue that a writer is resorting to hyperbole. ("Parents should always teach their ******** about the facts of life") Parents have every right to cede that responsibility, in my view.

Another example is the use of "completely" in " We need to get the government out of our lives completely once and for all". Anarchy has not worked and will not work in anything but tiny communities. As an old Goldwater Republican, I do agree that we should demand the greatest efficacy from our government, but we'd be far worse off without any at all.
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My parents grew up in an entirely different era, Mom did her best and did well, but the other just wasn't talked about. And it does not need to be taught, kids think of it all on their own. I would want my kids to be be aware of the consequences of their actions plenty in advance and to know that they can feel safe talking to me about anything.
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Maybe at around the age of 13 or so, although basic ***-ed should be taught earlier than that. Although with the anatomy of ***, kids also need to know about the importance of condom use, the definition of **** and ****** harassment (if they don't or can't consent, don't do it), and what it means to be LGBT.
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By the time they are 13 they should no about protection and saying no.