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41 Answers

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Rich man
rich man enjoying money

Poor man
poor man
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too high for this
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At a certain point, money becomes power. After that it's not so much the money they enjoy, it's the power.

Give me some, I'll show you how to enjoy it!
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That is true. I like where I am at in life, at least I no longer life payday to payday.
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I still live payday to payday if I have extra car breaks down or something, I feel as if I'm not meant to have money.
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I know what you mean, when I was married and traveled a lot on the job I would work a lot of overtime, and after I got home and the check would come in something would break.
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The most important things are the contentment and the knowing how to live.
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Money is a tool that is needed to live, sometimes it is worshiped to the extreme, somewhat like the political zealots here that cannot discuss other things and are single focused.
I believe in moderation of everything, have enough money to live comfortably but I don't belief in spending my life trying to acquire more, you can't take it with you.
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The enjoyment of money is individual and linked to the person's individual psychology as opposed the amount of money!
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That's why I like where I am. Not rich, but not too poor.
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I don't think I would be happy being rich. I enjoy my life as it is. Comfortable.
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My husband was military and couldn't take a second job. So I took all the overtime I cold get. I worked **** to give my kids what they needed then worked ****** to give them what I wanted them to have. The more I worked the more I had to because of the money.
What I didn't realize was what I need to give my kids was me. I lost out on a lot of their lives. Even though I was there looking back I really wasn't. If I could change things, we would live on less and be together more.
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I agree, with the caveat that it's only applicable if the person in question truly cares about his wealth (or lack thereof). If one values money above other things (family, friends, etc.), they'll likely always be unhappy.
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I've seen poor people that are happy as anyone would want to be with what they have. I have also seen poor people that are unhappy. I've also known rich people that are happy and some that are not. It is all about your mindset rather than your bank account. Some of the people in this country are brainwashed into thinking they need a lot of money to be happy. These people will Never be happy.
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The only reason people on welfare have more disposable income is we are the ones footing the bill, there are some who really need help but there is also many who think they make more not working which in some cases very true & those are the ones that make me angry.
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When the subject is 'money' then I do agree. We should all be taught how to rise above the dictates of this transitory existence and realize where our real 'security' is to be found.
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They are enjoying but not as much as you think because they constantly worry about losing it.
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I have to work to pay the bills but I have bills so a roof over my head, & food in my belly, some people not as lucky.
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I agree to a point, when we are young [under 40] we live for today never thinking about what the future holds. Forty to fifty still living for the present with a little thought to the future, fifty to sixty a little more thought to the future maybe plan a little. Sixty on, live in the past saying I should have planned ahead & scrambling to recoup what you lost, which you can not, MORAL IS, when you are twenty realize you probably will become 60+ and plan accordingly.
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This old comic tells all
money destroys all
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Either way
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That's the reality in many people
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I'm not sure. I've never had too much money nor have I ever had enough.
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Not really!
Go ahead and tell me JZ and The Donald etc aren't enjoying their wealth.
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Most poor people wish that was their biggest worry.

poor baby


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I told you what his issue is and you don't even know him or you would know how ludicrous that guilt theory is. no he loves money pure and simple. good night
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Yes true but HOWEVER NOT FOR ALL......


What do you place the most value in? Money, That Secure Job?, That beautiful Home?

You see, The Money can go away, the Job can *** tomorrow and the Home? It can burn up

THEN WHERE DO YOU PLACE YOUR TRUST?, If you never put it in the right things that matter, It may not be there when you need it, because it might be you ignored the most important things in life too long
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The man that works so **** that he has no time to spend it, is a man with many sorrows, with no time to drown them.
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Can be true and can be false. Some do some don't. There are no absolutes.
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I know rich people who suffer from both of the above because they do not understand the concept of enough. once one understands that, no fiscal issue can faze.
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That's true. With a one or so that don't care what they have, and have the most fun staying broke... You know the ones. .. The ones who always have money but are broke till next payday...
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People do not love money. They love what they can do with it.
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some people love money; I have a neighbor who has millions and he is like scrooge mcduck frolicking in his vault; won't spend a dime. for him it is the love of money not what her can acquire with it for acquiring the money is its own ***. he is not comfortable worries, about the market, his health, not realizing he has enough money to take care of just about anything. I tell him that people on welfare have more disposable income than her for they are willing to dispose of it.
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Maybe she just feels like worrying about money. Many people feel like feeling guilty.
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Disagree, a poor person can be content with their lot in life.
A rich person can be content in life, but they need to live a life in which they to not flaunt their wealth.