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41 Answers

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christians seem to want to go through the motions, but stop short of actually walking the talk.
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Lazarus was raised in his mortal body and died again later.
Jesus was raised in a "glorified" and "incorruptible" body and lated ascended into heaven.
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Sorry. No.
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Your prerogative and I thought you were interested in proving me wrong
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It's what you believe and not trying to change it.. Nor will I change mine.
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I am not trying to change you ? The last atheist that said they only wanted exchange ideas and not try change each others opinion lied to me. We talked and they got very upset with me and said you are stupid if don't change Oh Well I said. Each person is entitled to there beliefs simple fact .
Have I asked you to change your mind I think not ? I really don't remember if I commented on your opinion or you on mine.
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It had nothing to do with your remarks. I was simply stating a fact. You have yours and I have mine.
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Jesus was the first human to be resurrected from the grave.
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What about Lazarus?
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Zombies raised upon Jesus' death

(Mt 27:51-53) raised by ***

When Jesus died there was a violent earthquake and the veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom. The Bible says tombs were opened and many bodies of saints arose from the dead. It says that after Jesus' resurrection they went into Jerusalem where many people witnessed their return to life. These Zombies for Jesus then evangelized the people.
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I went to catholic school and was one for years. Then I grew up. Miracles are a joke. Most are hoaxes and some unexplained but ***'s hand had nothing to do with it because there is no ***.
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"The Bible says tombs were opened and many bodies of saints arose from the dead." Only as a witness of the resurrection. It says nothing of them not dying again later or of ascending into heaven like Jesus. They were like Lazarus.
Jesus will return for his people at the sound of the last trumpet, just before He returns to defeat all the enemies of His chosen people both Israelite an Christian.
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Unfounded ***********! There is only one death, and it called them 'saints'... these Zombies rose to Heaven with Christ, where they will serve forever and ever. Amen.
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Sez who?

There are living saints today.
Death is not a prerequisite to sainthood.
You should want to be numbered among them.
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Sez who? How about St. Paul and Jesus of Nazareth. Is that good enough for you?

Read the Bible. Read Revelation. You have lots of opinions but no facts. Your *********** are based on personal conjecture.
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You've just cited 80% of the New Testament.
Can you be a little more specific or is this just your opinion?
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Actually Jesus raised Lazarus
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Ok, but Lazarus rose from the dead BEFORE Jesus did.
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And he never lets Jesus forget it, either. Ingrate.
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Well since you went to a Catholic school you might find this interesting

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I was just asking a question not arguing to see where your head is concerning this subject

Do you consider Lourdes a hoax ?

The 69th Miracle of Lourdes
The CMIL (Lourdes International Medical Committee) in it's annual meeting of 19 november 2011 in Paris has certified that the cure of Danila Castelli in Lourdes in 1989 « remains unexplained according to current scientific knowledge ». On June 20th 2013 Monsignor Giovanni Giudici, Bishop of Pavia, the diocesis where Danila Castelli lives, has declared the « prodigious-miraculous » character and the value of « sign » of this cure. It is the 69th cure of Lourdes recognized as miraculous by a Bishop.

More information the first link is to provide scientific evidence and how they classify something a miracle


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For a Christian, Christianity is a way of life. Jesus died and was resurrected from the grave for humanity. People are free to believe this or not. No Christian I know of is trying to force his religion on anyone else, certainly not me. People who complain about this way of life are just complaining for the sake of complaining. IMHO
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Thank you. Unfortunately your statement is not quite true. Religious affiliation may be dying in America and Europe but not in the rest of the world. Religion is even growing among the middle class of China..

Check this link http://www.is-there-a-***.inf...
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...in those who need it. I wish those who need it would live/abide by it's teachings (except for the killing part) and leave the rest of us alone.
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Thank you
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...and there's more evidence FOR it than against. Islam was founded by a MAN who admitted he never actually spoke with *** (Allah, their Moon *** and the reason they have a crescent moon as their symbol), only to an Angel...who could have just as well been a Demon for all Muhammad knew.
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Thank you but Arabs claim the *** of Abraham and Ishmael was a son of Abraham and was circumcised. I spoke to some Muslims and they told me they worship the *** of Abraham. I realize all Muslims may not be the same.
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Thank you I read most of what is posted in the text. Yes I told someone on **** head that the church was first called the WAY. I don't think it was so much that Jesus needed Paul as a disciple especially since he came after the persecution of the church had started.

Thank you for the link
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All religions are dying, the vast majority of regular people are tired of religious zealots starting wars over books of fables...
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Just goes to show the old saying is true, there is a ****** born every minute...
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And if you wake up and realize their is no ***, will you be dead. And I do not have faith in doctors. I use them as one of many sources and I make the decision. Not ***. Not the doctor. Only me. And should I die in my sleep, I'll be back. Lame argument.
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Well why don't you investigate and prove your statement ? It is always easier to be negative
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Ivestigate what? The fact that you can brainwash different people in different countries to believe in a book that was suppose to be the word of an alleged ***, and then was changed by man to the present day book?
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So, brother PWCM, you believe there's nothing after this but bones, dust and death? I'd hate to live inside your head...
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Better believe it, but whatever gets you through the day is your own business...
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Christianity is a faith. Nothing more. It has no life.
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Thank you Why do you say it has no life?. I believe Christians are alive and increasing in number.
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Every person on this earth that is walking is alive but religion is on faith and to me faith is no different than.fiction.
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Do you have faith in doctors if not why go to them ? Do you have faith that if you sleep at night you will wake up even though it is not a guarantee that you will.
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Thank you but Jesus was more then human don't you think since no human could do what He had done.