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in Living by
It's not everyday that you get recommended the cat for your dinner entree. But that is exactly what celebrity chef Beppe Bigazzi did live on television. The Italian chef and food writer was fired from the Italian Television show "La Prova del Cuoco" for recommending stewed cat to viewers and claiming it to be a "succulent" dish.

He also went on to say that it was “better than chicken, rabbit or pigeon.” Too bad it is illegal in Italy to kill a cat. But that didn't stop Bigazzi from continuing on his cat-stew tirade and going on to say that he has had the dish multiple times.Well, that must mean it is good right? Would a cat casserole be something you would eat?

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41 Answers

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Just reading that made my heart sink into my stomach. Its terrible! I actually feel like crying right now. Who would eat cats?!? Thats like cats eating us! Its not right and I think he should go to jail. LIke dont get me wrong, I am over exajurating but can you blame me...??
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I would never ear a Kitty. It's cruel and it would give me nightmares. Cat's are meant to be our friends and companions.
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is an ***
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Should go to jail at least, since he apparently broke the law in his country.
I would never eat a companion animal. I don't like the idea of any animal
dying to feed me. Especially companion animals.
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Send them to Haiti !
feline population leaves satisfied eat cat send haiti
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ACK. CANNIBALISM! ack cannibalism
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Reading that made me really sad, I have two kitties and I'd never eat them, although I'm pretty sure one of them would eat me if she got the chance. I'm so happy he got fired, hurting cats or dogs is just wrong. Hate me if you will, I'm not one of those anti-fur people or anything and I really don't care if people wear fur, but nobody touches cats or dogs! That picture of the kitty made me want to cry :'(
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disgusting goodness fired chef beppe bigazzi cat-eating ways
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well we eat a lot of animals...but cats aren't for eating. they are small and helpful around the house, and anyway, if you see a cat and you first idea is why not eat it, it must be good, there's a problem with you. if you see a cow, do you say 'sure it tastes good'?
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I'm in two minds...Part of me think it's barbaric. The other half wants to know why cats are so precious but wee lambs and calves aren't.
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Pigs are actually much smarter than cats, and they are tortured their entire lives before slaughter in a factory.
Humans can be such monsters.
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You are absolutely right that pigs are smart...and maybe even smarter than cats..and most dogs and many people too. pigs should never be eaten or cruelly confined. did you know that horses are slaughtered and tortured for meat too? they are often transported in double decker trucks without adequate headroom and suffer horrific injuries. They are often wild horses rounded up for slaughter, or horses no one wants anymore. Here in canada we still have horse slaughterhouses, mostly for the asian market. is this right?? is eating any intelligent animal right????
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Nope that's why I'm a vegetarian.
Yeah humans are omnivores, that means we have a choice.
I don't think I have the right to force my choice on others, I ate meat once, but I try to educate people on the intelligence and sensitivity of animals and the way they are treated. That is why I'm studying to be an animal linguist.
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Why not eat cat? they're easy to grow and they probably taste quite good.
People eat dogs is some countries.
I say try it before you decide if it's disgusting. If people didn't try new things just because they think they're disgusting then we probably wouldn't eat oysters or caviar.
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I love oysters and caviar, but I think eating a cat would be disgusting to me for other reasons as well, like the cruelty and guilt of eating something that could be my pet.
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Some people keep sheep as pets.
Do you feel guilty because you are eating a living creature or because you think cats look all cute and fuzzy?
People eat guinea pigs too, and they make good pets.
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I don't eat lamb or guinea pig either. I feel guilty because cats were never bred to be eaten, they were bred to be companions. People ate cows, pigs, and chickens thousands of years ago, but not cats.
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Cats have been a source of food for a long time, there's nothing new about eating cat.
It's just a taboo because when you look at a cat you think "pet."
It's only a localised belief that eating cats is wrong.
Cats have been bred for eating for hundreds of years mainly in Asia and Europe.
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It is barbaric....killing anything is barbaric...but this is where opinions come apart..just like the seal hunt issue...is it because the baby seals are cute???? no...for most of us it is simply an issue of necessity...it is not necessary to eat meat...or to kill animals for their fur, blubber, *******, horns or whatever part of them we humans think we need. For all those who believe in rhino horn or tiger *******...there is ******. For those who eat meat...there are alternatives...and having been vegetarian since the age of nineteen, i can tell you you do not miss meat. there are so many wonderful foods out there that don't have to taste 'tasteless', a criticism i often hear about vegetarian food...has no one ever heard of herbs and spices????? even my husband will tell you he likes my cooking, and he eats meat way less often now. he, by the way, would never eat cat.
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Eating cats is not wrong, the Lord put all animals on this earth to serve man. They are animals just like Cows, Pigs, Chicken, which are also in some cat foods. Also to all the Vegetarians who believe eating animals is wrong. there are these teeth every human has including you, called the Canine or Cuspid. These teeth are used for Ripping and Tearing meat.
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For your information, I do not eat animal flesh as they are a living being & have a right to life, no one has the *** given right to take someone else's life. That is called murder & punishable by law! I do not wear anything that is animal made, all my footwear is synthetic I make sure of this as well as my vehicle the seat are cloth made. Anything else you would like to know about me & the reason why I wrote what I wrote? Come judgment day we all have to account for all our words & actions, the good as well as the bad. I want my bad one to be very few & I try to multiply my goods one every day to help all the defenseless, voiceless & innocent animals that are treated cruelly & abused & killed for no logic reason except that humans think that an animal don't feel pain. Have you watched & looked into an animal eyes being treated in that manner & see them enjoy this? I did not think so! If humans for just a day would put themselves in an animals life, this would put an *** to this ******** cruelty forever, but when an animal is abused in this manner we have a coward selfish human at the other ***.
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stupid old man, lets call a canival and let him eat him

poor cats
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Has the palette of a pig. chef beppe bigazzi palette pig
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Cant even imagine. And I am a pure vegetarian. ha ha ha
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This is so so wrong on many levels! First, you do not eat an animals considered to be a pet regardless that it is a stray. Second, animals don't go around killing us so why do we lower ourself to be this cruel? Third, animals have a right to life, we do not have *** given right to *** someone else life.
This is murder & Chef Beppe Bigazzi should be jailed for this!
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Thanks Mary, You are indeed a very compassionate soul. *** Bless you always!
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You are dumb. Do you eat meat? Because if you do, its no different and therefore, going on your theory, you are a murderer and should go to jail. If you don't eat meat, do you wear leather? Check your shoes, your belt, your car seats. Until you can say you do not use any animal product that means an animal has to die then you can not be so critical.
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*** put animals on this earth to serve man. We need to eat them to gain nutrients our bodies require to live healthily
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Too true....and i would not put it past some people to come up with that as an answer to the overcrowding in nursing homes as our population ages....all you have to do is check out some of the things considered delicacies in many asian countries....anything is indeed on the menu...but how does that make it right????
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I think this is disgusting.He should go to jail for animal abuse
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there's no reason to kill anything, for starters. but if people must, it's just common sense that you should kill the least aware, least intelligent, most oblivious animal you can find. drawing a line between stray cats and pet cats is ridiculous because it ******* that the value of the animal is solely based on whether or not a human likes it. if that were the criteria for value, alot of you people would be out of here.
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Hi Catherine:)
You go girlfriend
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I wouldn't want to eat it but there are so many annoying cats in my neighborhood if someone were to come and take them away while feeding hungry people well then I am all for it!

Why can't we just feed them to dogs? It's nature's way.

I am NOT speaking about people's pets either I am talking about the stray cats that roam the streets.
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For a start, it is not natures way for dogs to eat cats....it is not natures way for you to eat cat...and if you wouldn't, why would you think the hungry would...do they not have standards of acceptable behaviour too???? Are the annoying cats in your neighbourhood owned cats or stray cats??? if owned, speaking to the owners about their cats behaviour might be an option, if they are strays...feed them or contact your local shelter....what exactly is it they do that is annoying anyway??? I find you annoying but i do not have the right to do anything about it except write this....eating cats is not a valid answer to either problem.
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who cares really.
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wots next old people ????????????????????. no affence to old people. but it seemes anything is on the menu somewere.
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Where I come from, they have never been bred for food. Fish are also pets, yet eating them is not taboo at all, because they have been an important food source for many years. If cats were an important food source, we'd have been eating them a long time ago. It is a much more widespread belief that cats should not be eaten, very few are in favor of eating cats.