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in Living by
Near Hattiesburg.

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11 Answers

0 votes
I would point you to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords..
0 votes
Notice I said Wicca... I don't believe in anything Christianity teaches. Thank you for commenting, tho. I try to be as nice about comments like that as I can. :) remember, I won't be nice twice.
0 votes
Ain't skeered.. Christians have been, and are being, persecuted for ages. Truth is truth GW. Christ is where it resides. - Just wanting to help you get it right. *** bless.. voice of the martyrs
0 votes
But you know, the Christians persecuted Pagans and Wiccans when the religion was first made. Tortured everyone, even little three year olds in order to make them speak against their mother. Kara's a butch only when you are, and Christianity is Gettin it back. ******* bless )o(
0 votes
You're threatening anger is about Christian misbehavior 1000 years ago. Sounds like a dodge..
0 votes
Well people still believe what the Christians taught about Witches and Wicca and Paganism from 1000 (?? really? It started a few years after Christianity started...) years ago. Double standards don't apply here. We either listen and act against it all, or not at all.
0 votes
You mean I guessed your time frame wrong?
0 votes
It's not my time frame, it's history's time frame.
0 votes
So you were angrily threatenling to me because I made a mistake about historys time frame..? And the correct time frame is about 1900 years ago?
0 votes
The only time I threatened you was when I said I won't be nice twice, and I was not angry in any of my comments. I really wish you would get off of my blog, I asked for what the question states, not for you annoying me.
0 votes
I just would like to know if you think it is wise to reinvigorate 1900 year old sins in order to stymie honest discussion..