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in Living by
I'm *** myself, and a lot of people are kinda freaked out by it. Is this typical, or am I just unlucky enough to be surrounded by haters? I'm ok if you say you don't like them, but please, no profanity in the comments.

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41 Answers

0 votes
Someone's *** life, if conducted between consenting ******, is none of my business unless it involves my husband. Unless directly involved someone's *** life is no one's **** business.
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I don't understand it, but it's not my life, it's yours.

How do you ever intend to have ********?
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I'm cool with the ****......because I like nouns.
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I'll raise you a pronoun....
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And generally, most people are. However, I know several who feel like you do.

My best guess, is that since you have a different *********, there is a difference in culture, and with that difference, people don’t always know how to interact.

Very similar to when a bunch of gun loving guys are hanging out with a bunch of gun hating guys. I won’t say either is right or wrong, but the difference in attitude towards guns, creates a cultural abrasion, that isn’t always the easiest to address.
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I have no basic problem with ********** people, as long as they keep their ****** proclivities where they belong: In the bedroom or in the privacy of their home. I've known a lot of ********** people, and the majority are respectful of the folks around them who are NOT **********; but there's always a few who feel it's their mission in life to advertise or confront those who don't participate in their lifestyle with public displays, comments, or actions that cause others to be insulted, feel threatened, or whatever. Live however you want to live; it's a free world (or at least it used to be). But leave me out of it beyond offering your friendship or contributions as a professional in business or whatever.
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I'm ******** and where I'm from basically no one cares, the government here approved nation wide gender-neutral marriage some months ago and the public reaction was overwhelmingly positive, yet only 20 years ago most regarded it negatively. So do not worry, times are changing, as for haters, well environment has a lot to do with where you'll find those.
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They don't bother me. If they are too ***, I try to avoid them.
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I dont think making a persons ****** preference public knowledge is necessary..some things are just better kept private....
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What YOU do in the privacy of your own bedroom is NOT my business; it is between you and ***. What YOU do in front of my innocent little granddaughters, who ask "Pop-pop, why are those two men kissing?" IS MY BUSINESS! My granddaughters shouldn't have to see that crap in public! It's NOT natural!
For crying out loud! You don't even see men making out with females in public anymore! So why in the **** do ***/********** males feel the need to make it a public display?!?!?
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I've always found that an interesting premise.

Let's say hypothetically that I was a friend of yours and I was getting married. Would you really rather not know who I was marrying?
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I would say thats not public information.... but rather private information.... between friends
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Everybody is OK unless they turn out to be a ****.
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I can always find better reasons not to like someone other than them being *** or whatever.
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as long as people are consented and ****** and not cheating on anybody then fine . why not spend their lives with somebody they are happy with rather than being unhappy with someone or alone . life can be short
I never knew some of these old stars were bi though . burt Lancaster, billie holiday, greta garbot, cary grant, james dean ,Randolph scott . Laurence Olivier ,etc I knew about some but not all of them. mum said she didn't know much about that sort of thing and it was never discussed because it was illegal . I think Madonna was one of the first to come out with it
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I hate everyone.
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I've been out for over thirty years. The difference between then and now is nothing short of amazing. Most people I encounter these days could care less.

And if they do?

Not my problem.

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I'm *** myself (****-romantic demisexual), but anyways; **********, bigotry, etc. is alive and at large in society. You're not alone about the people freaking out. But, hopefully, someday you can move somewhere with a high accepting population.
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I agree your ****** feeling should be kept in the privacy of your dwelling. No matter who they are. When your granddaughters ask the question again why are those two men are kissing just wait to the time when you think its ok to tell them. The best simple answer to them is they are human beings with same *** attraction you don't know why the creators made them that way. I am just trying to offer help. lots of luck.
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Absolutely. And more importantly, it's none of my business!
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I didn't see the "I'm A *** Myself" option... whoops... regardless, people who aren't okay with **** are simply insecure with their own *********.
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I mean, we're all a little ***.
You can deny it all you want, but it's true.
I've never had a **** in my ***, and I'm not sure I'd really enjoy that too much, but I can be attracted to guys.
Just don't worry about the haters, man.
They aren't worth your time.
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Would someone care to explain to me what is abnormal about them?
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I've no problem with it at all. Though I did once hit on a friends of and I found out she wasn't exactly into guys. My reaction was just like "oh, moving on". Let ****** that consent do whatever is that they wish.
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you tell me,what am i again? a woman, when i look at someone, i think women are so beautiful and natural ****, if i look at my *****, wahou,but i do not want to leek their down lips, i did kiss on the lips(not with the tang, how do you call that a french kiss, is that just us french that love to kiss that tang), for some reason, with guys, the guitar has a certain affect on me, i have to say, electric ones...then the Phallus, i do love it so, now if the man i loved,if i was with him right now that is, told me he was a woman, then i d be what ever, because all i care is to be madly in love,with all my heart and my horny side...and if only the one could love me with all too
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You surrounded by haters but it's not as bad as you think...

I have been open about myself for almost 19 years. I wish I had just come out when I was in my early teens and got the pain over with. I see you're only 17. Your brave for doing that. Stick with it. You'll see that these '***-bites' who aren't are really the minority.

Being *** doesn't define you, btw...You're just a person who happens to be ***.
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So, the top choice is "I'm not ok with ****." But then, none of them leave comments to show who they are. Cowards. This site is filled with idiots.
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It's none of my business and I don't care if someone is *** or not. I will admit to being a little uncomfortable around overly feminine guys or butch girls.
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I could care less if you are or not, but I personally not for it
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Oops, not what I selected,.. I'm quite ok with LGBTpeople,
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I have absolutely no problem with ****... what I do have a problem with is **********!
Strange how thoes said NOT o.k, make no comment to defend their answers!
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As long as they don't keep harping on the fact or trying to tell me what they did last weekend, we should get along fine.
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None of my business what folk want in life, if it makes you happy, so be it..
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I'm not interested in anyone's *** life, nor do I need to know what they think about mine. Why is my, or anyone's opinion about your *** life so important to you?
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My opinion of individuals, has never been based on that particular aspect of who they are.
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They are HUMAN BEINGS why should I judge them any different. Our creators made us all. Why two of same *** are attracted one another I don't know. Not ever science can explain this. They are human beings I will not judge them or disrespect and not degrade them. I here idiots say they turn that way for many reason. What I do understand somewhere along the way our genetics building things can happen.Only our creators know why there is same *** attraction. Same *** attraction is that way and should be accepted that way.
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People are just people.
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I believe you're just unlucky enough to be stuck near haters.

Not everyone is going to approve of it, but in my state (NJ), most people accept it.

I'm not ***, but I'm on the rainbow (and not as an advocate - I'm very much part of the LGBTQAetc rainbow) and currently in a relationship with a L/T (trans demi-boy, but when we met still identified as F, so hence the L at first) on said rainbow.... gaaah I can see why it could be confusing to people.

Anyway - when they presented as F, and it was just them and me out and about, no one batted an eye here, and we were treated just fine. My friends accepted it, just as much as they're accepting that my partner is now trans and identifies as a demi-boy.

I've also noticed strangers adapt faster than close friends and family, and *often* (but not always) it's because you're shattering their long-term perceptions of you. It takes a bit to shake those off and adopt new perceptions.

But some people are just a-*****. *shrug* and sadly, that can't be helped. Dust your feet off, in those cases, and move along.