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41 Answers

0 votes
I am a Werewolf.
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That's good. : )

The laundry bills to get the blood off my skirts are bad enough.

0 votes
Thou art welcome Tudie templar kneeling
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No contest. Vampire, of course!

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Those Saracens better watch out out now, Grinz...
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Except Saracen blood tastes AWFUL!

Blechh! : (
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But thou can hypnotize them as a vampire much easier to send them to their just rewards :)
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Thou speakest sooth, Sir Knight.

Just as long as I don't have to drink any of that Saracen blood. UGH!
It makes my fangs curl.
0 votes
Snickering.... I am sure that thou wilt not have to lady... :)
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Might I suggest just go swimming ? that why you have fun while washing cloths. :)
0 votes
You Are a Vampire

You are charming, sensual, and even a bit manipulative.
You can't help but get people to do what you want.

You have sharp senses and a strong predatory instinct.
You go after what you want, without mercy.

While you have the heart of a killer, many people are drawn to you.
You are elegant, timeless, and mysterious. You are the ultimate fantasy object. templar kneeling
0 votes
Well, that might be ok in the summer, but it's starting to get kinda chilly for that. And I'd have to be sure to be wearing washable clothes and jump into the water before the blood dries. : )
0 votes
Hummmmm leather does shrink a wee bit...... :)
0 votes
Yes, definitely no leather.

******! : (
0 votes
You Are a Vampire
You are charming, sensual, and even a bit manipulative.

You can't help but get people to do what you want.

You have sharp senses and a strong predatory instinct.

You go after what you want, without mercy.

While you have the heart of a killer, many people are drawn to you.

You are elegant, timeless, and mysterious. You are the ultimate fantasy object.
0 votes
Thanks Qazzie !
0 votes
You Are a Vampire

You are charming, sensual, and even a bit manipulative.
You can't help but get people to do what you want.

You have sharp senses and a strong predatory instinct.
You go after what you want, without mercy.

While you have the heart of a killer, many people are drawn to you.
You are elegant, timeless, and mysterious. You are the ultimate fantasy object.
0 votes
Thanks ******* !
0 votes
<!-- You Are a Werewolf <br> <br>You are moody and easily provoked. <br> You are highly loyal and protective of those you love. <br> <br> While you can be intense at times, you are generally a laid back person. <br> But if a fight comes your way, you will fight 'til the death if necessary. <br> <br> You seem normal to most people. No one understands how different you can be. <br> It's like a switch flips for you sometimes - and then you're a completely different creature. <br> <br> <br> <OBJECT orig_size="425x355" width="350" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="1414605770.77" height="292"><param name="allowNetworking" value="internal"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never"><param name="enableJSURL" value="false"><param name="enableHREF" value="false"><param name="saveEmbedTags" value="true"><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/tbvu3lsJ6Ck&amp;rel=1&amp;autoplay=0"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/tbvu3lsJ6Ck&amp;rel=1&amp;autoplay=0" allowNetworking="internal" wmode="transparent" allowScriptAccess="never" enableHREF="false" height="292" width="350" enableJSURL="false" autostart="false" orig_size="425x355" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></OBJECT> -->You Are a Werewolf

You are moody and easily provoked.
You are highly loyal and protective of those you love.

While you can be intense at times, you are generally a laid back person.
But if a fight comes your way, you will fight 'til the death if necessary.

You seem normal to most people. No one understands how different you can be.
It's like a switch flips for you sometimes - and then you're a completely different creature.

0 votes
Thanks templer003 !
0 votes
Thanks JimmysAngel Sullivan !
0 votes
You Are a Werewolf

You are moody and easily provoked.
You are highly loyal and protective of those you love.

While you can be intense at times, you are generally a laid back person.
But if a fight comes your way, you will fight 'til the death if necessary.

You seem normal to most people. No one understands how different you can be.
It's like a switch flips for you sometimes - and then you're a completely different creature.
0 votes
<!-- Very surprised at this one . . . <br> <br>You Are a Vampire <br> <br>You are charming, sensual, and even a bit manipulative. <br>You can't help but get people to do what you want. <br> <br>You have sharp senses and a strong predatory instinct. <br>You go after what you want, without mercy. <br> <br>While you have the heart of a killer, many people are drawn to you. <br>You are elegant, timeless, and mysterious. You are the ultimate fantasy object <br> <br> <OBJECT orig_size="425x355" width="350" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="1414905912.38" height="292"><param name="allowNetworking" value="internal"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never"><param name="enableJSURL" value="false"><param name="enableHREF" value="false"><param name="saveEmbedTags" value="true"><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/t0eQL5R3bw4&amp;rel=1&amp;autoplay=0"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/t0eQL5R3bw4&amp;rel=1&amp;autoplay=0" allowNetworking="internal" wmode="transparent" allowScriptAccess="never" enableHREF="false" height="292" width="350" enableJSURL="false" autostart="false" orig_size="425x355" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></OBJECT> -->Very surprised at this one . . .

You Are a Vampire

You are charming, sensual, and even a bit manipulative.
You can't help but get people to do what you want.

You have sharp senses and a strong predatory instinct.
You go after what you want, without mercy.

While you have the heart of a killer, many people are drawn to you.
You are elegant, timeless, and mysterious. You are the ultimate fantasy object

0 votes
Thanks Evie !
0 votes

You Are a Vampire You are charming, sensual, and even a bit manipulative. You can't help but get people to do what you want. You have sharp senses and a strong predatory instinct. You go after what you want, without mercy. While you have the heart of a killer, many people are drawn to you. You are elegant, timeless, and mysterious. You are the ultimate fantasy object.

Are You a Vampire or a Werewolf?

Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes!

0 votes
Thanks Becky Sue !
0 votes
You Are a Vampire


You are charming, sensual, and even a bit manipulative.

You can't help but get people to do what you want.

You have sharp senses and a strong predatory instinct.

You go after what you want, without mercy.

While you have the heart of a killer, many people are drawn to you.

You are elegant, timeless, and mysterious. You are the ultimate fantasy object.
0 votes
Thanks Hei !
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Thanks verne !
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Thanks Veritas !
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totaly a vamp. I Love blood and gore
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vampire. well so far im esmirllada and a vampire and i like pumpkin donuts. and im also a halloween baby. good day for me eh??
0 votes
Thanks hasher !
0 votes
I so much hate what Hollywood has turned vampires into. They are not charming and romantic they are most definitely not **** they are viscous ****** ******* monsters. Vampires can not procreate so the fact that they would want to romanticize you (whether man or woman) is completely false. Vampires breed by draining your blood and forcing you drink of their unholy blood thus during you into their undead slaves. If you ever see one show it no mercy cause it will show you none. Werewolves/Lycanthropes/Shape... are not so bad. Shapeshifters were a common belief in the history of my people and some other cultures around the world to which men and women could take the form not only wolves but stags, bears, birds, fish and what not to either hunt for food, protect the family or tribe or escape threatening situations. Though not inherently evil I suppose though it would be possible if one were to stay in beast form for to long they could lose their mind to animal instinct or if they were to kill person they could go mad with blood lust. Not to mention seeing a somebody shapeshift could be a frightening experience in of itself.
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Thanks Christopher !
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The ultimate fantasy object----I wish...
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Thanks Jedi !
0 votes
You're a vampire!

You are charming, sensual, and even a bit manipulative.
You can't help but get people to do what you want.

You have sharp senses and a strong predatory instinct.
You go after what you want, without mercy.

While you have the heart of a killer, many people are drawn to you.
You are elegant, timeless, and mysterious. You are the ultimate fantasy object.
0 votes
Thanks mousegirl !
0 votes
Thanks foy49 !