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in Living by
Agree or be banished from the ** kingdom! http://funmeme.com/image.axd?picture=*******.jpg

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20 Answers

0 votes
I have been blocked once that I know of, otherwise, no. That's a shame that people do it but who can figure out so many different personalities. blocked shame people figure personalities
0 votes
Yes but its fine with me. It prevents clashing.
0 votes
It's not possible to be blocked for no reason. In fact, it's not possible for anyone to purposely do anything without any reason.
0 votes
I've noticed that also on youtube. Give the slightest opposition and your pretty much dead meat.

There are trolls which are easy to spot and deal with and there are bullies which have a higher status and throws their weight around if you so much as look at them the wrong way due to being a newbie and they will not let you forget it.

I hate bullies and I especially hate online ones. I would love to see online bullies burn in ****..................at least the ones that won't repent or willing to work out the differences. They just are a waste of time and energy.
0 votes
Naw....I usually know when they block me. They try to bust the "knowitall" crap like we're all just a bunch of tards on a field trip, then get mad when i don't bow down to their superiority. screw em.
0 votes
I have been blocked once that I know of, otherwise, no. That's a shame that people do it but who can figure out so many different personalities. blocked shame people figure personalities
0 votes
I am blocked by a couple of people but it is mind over matter, I don't mind and they don't matter, so cheer up and enjoy your self on **** head.
0 votes
Yes, some cowards have me blocked.
0 votes
I get blocked alot, but usually after the person calls me names. :)
0 votes
I keep getting blocked,
Reasons I know have definitely caused me to be blocked:
I'm a *******
I'm Female
I'm Pro-Choice
I'm British
I didn't apologise for showing a picture of a dead kitten
I don't like Obama
I had a boring holiday in america
I think War is pointless
I know the SS were well trained
I'm not a Christian fundamentalist
I don't believe some idiot has had broken limbs healed, and money given to him, by ***

That's all I can remember Atm...
ThThats all I can remember atm...
0 votes
I can only ****** it's because we cannot read each other's facial expression online which is why it's ****** to resolve issues if someone accuses you of being a troll and you want to clear the matter up but they are not interested.
0 votes
I've blocked one or two and a couple that answsered you question....because they are dumbass stalkers.........they need psycho therapy!

ive blocked couple answsered dumbass stalkers psycho therapy
0 votes
yes...but ill live
0 votes
I have been blocked from ppl for NO reason what so ever! Maybe because of something i commented on or whatever. And yes i think its silly..but ya know what. Its their loss. :)
0 votes
I block and I have been blocked...why do people care about people who do not want to be your friend block blocked people care people friend
0 votes
I have been blocked for no reason and I think that is is unfair!
0 votes
It happened to me twice, but that was a few years ago. I think that blocking another person is rude. I don't play with blocks.
0 votes
Testing 1 2 3.
0 votes
I have been blocked by a user named OCR00970 even though I swear I have never commented on his channel before unless it was late at night and I was tired

I cannot find the PM system ever since You Tube changed their layout and I never say stuff to hurt someone unless they clearly deserve it due to being a fool and not listen to reason.

It seems with some people it's either my way or hit the highway. I've noticed it's ****** on the internet then in real life to resolve issues if you or someone else has a problem with each other.
I don't have that problem in real life but on the internet it's an alternate universe.

I don't get it.
0 votes
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