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in Living by
I believe that men have been relegated to a more drab existence as opposed to the earlier days of fashion when MEN wore the lace and wigs. I say that it is time to liberate the men too.

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12 Answers

0 votes
Yeah it's true! Any guy man enough to try on some Seamless Lycra panties (brief or bikini style) isn't likely to give them up! Just find some with a wide enough crotch and they are perfect! Smooth beyond anything he has ever worn and supportive. (Women... it's like your favorite sports bra).

I don't understand why women (most not all) seem to think guys have to wear boxers! The chicks should try stuffing those in their pants to see what it is like!

Clothes don't make a guy ***. He is or isn't so even skirts shouldn't be a problem for real guys. Skirts would be a great option to shorts or pants on a hot day.
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Oh yes!
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I love the thought of men in colorful fashion! painted nails, maybe even a little makeup! Bright colorful shirts, even satan and lace is fine with me, especially in the underwear dept. And yes, they make those for guys too! You can find em' if you look!
0 votes
****... I waiting for it to be OK for men to start wearing dresses.

Yes... I'm kidding.

Although, that might be cooler in the summer!
0 votes
LOL A regular Bahama Breeze
0 votes
Maybe dresses not so much but skirts yeah! Men have worn skirts far longer than women throughout time and many were even micro mini length and worked! See these guys in skirts and note one important thing...they still look like guys just as women in pants still look like women: http://www.picturetrail.com/s... Obviously they are NOT cross dressing trying to look like women. You must agree a skirt makes far more sense for the male anatomy than for a female. The freedom of movement in a short skirts is incredible and once experienced no guy will give up the skirt! Much cooler on a hot day than shorts for guys!


This looks great and should set a trend but guys have to lose their ********** like women did in the 60's when they started wearing mens pants in a big way...
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I think men got "liberated" when they threw away the lace and the wigs..
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I tend to agree although I think it is still OK for men to be more colorful without being a Chippendale dancer.
0 votes
oh...i am fine with that :-)
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You can be "interested" in clothing and preening if you want to be. Don't wish it on the rest of us.
0 votes
No one is wishing it on you, we're just looking for it to be allowed and acceptable for those of us who'd like to.. No one is forcing you or your ********** out of the closet.
0 votes
Read the OP's remarks. Bringing back the complicated lacy men's fashions is what it's about. As for you... worried about being teased at your age? Grow up.